A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A new free-to-play game on the block.

Play with your friends to see who is the ultimate master of deception and who is the king of the kingdom. The winner takes all in this high-stakes board game turned digital.

Learn more about each tile and card below:

Spaces / Spots

Starting Spot: where everyone starts

Empty Spot: this does nothing...

End Spot: whoever touches this spot first, wins the game!

Card Gain Spot: player gains a random card


Cards impact gameplay and can only be used once per round.

N/A Card: this shows when the player has no cards.

Jump Card: player forces themselves to jump two spaces.

Swap Card: player goes into 'swap' mode and once clicked on an opposing player will switch places with them.

Reverse Card: forces all other players to step back a few spaces.

Reset Card: Ultimate Card, Resets All Players Back To The Start.

Full game and updates here: https://github.com/ChezyName/CandyLandGame


Candyland Client v5.zip 2.5 MB
Candyland Server v5 [HOTFIX].rar 1 MB

Install instructions


For the client, Just download and extract it and open up `CandylandClient.exe`.


Download and Extract the files. Open up `CandylandSever.exe` and give your friends your public IP address so they can connect to you.

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